Stories, Volume Two, Issue No. 1: JAN & FEB 2021

No, you didn’t miss this February holiday, this 9th of February, it’s my day, a day of remembering. I used to try to forget. February,…Scroll down to keep reading or if you see a read more button click on it to access another complimentary article when you sign-up or get an all access subscription for only $47 per year when you subscribe.

Remembering February 9th Evolution Mindful Soul Center Magazine

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  • Remembering the 9th of February

No, you didn’t miss this February holiday, this 9th of February, it’s my day, a day of remembering. I used to try to forget.

February, for many people, is the short month, the last month to get through the winter blues. March seems more hopeful as the days feel longer and we are teased with warmer weather in the Northern Hemisphere. But in February, we’re distracted with Valentine’s Day mid-month and focused on love and romance. That can mean a moment of happiness or sadness or even indifference depending on your ‘relationship’ or ‘love’ status.

I dwell in the cosmic ocean of love that is existence.

Rising from the Sea - evolution - the Mindful Soul Center

It was a month where in my life, the experience of every raw emotion was felt through my being, in my bones, from heightened joy to the most profound and deep sadness.

For me, February is the month that my life changed in one breath, one moment. It’s where I found and lost love ultimately. A month, when promises were made and broken simultaneously, even as I was unaware that was the case.

I made a promise that I did not keep – one that was impossible to keep – and, as it turns out, a promise that wasn’t meant to be kept.

I cried an ocean of tears into a stormy sea of emotions and, a waterfall of saliva cascaded into it as I wept. Saline tears streamed from my eyes and poured from my mouth, landing on the floor of a hospital emergency waiting room. It was the greatest sadness that I have ever known.

That month, I observed the curious onlookers, the watchers, the people who knew us, the people who pretended to care and watched and noticed the people who did care.

I watched as a mother turned her back on her son once again, and a father stepped up to his son’s aid yet again.

I fought institutions and celebrated the small wins. I made sacrifices willingly and with love, not martyrdom (however tempting that can become).

The event, the story doesn’t matter. What matters is that even though I drowned in that ocean, some years later, like a prehistoric creature, I crawled back out of the depths of that sea.

I honour and remember this day, but I don’t dwell there. Now I dwell in the cosmic ocean of love that is existence. That’s why I’m writing this today, during this Valentine’s season, to remind myself and you, there is a difference between being alone and loneliness, our existence and value doesn’t depend on outside validation, and the choices we make (even unconsciously) matter.

It is a time to remember that love is all that matters – not the ooey-gooey sticky love (even though that’s a lot of fun). So on this February day, I am asking you to love yourself. Remember that you are love. And know that even when you fight the long battle, sometimes we don’t always win.

About the Author

Amy Adams, editor and publisher of Mindful Soul Center magazine, she is an author, producer and visual artist too. The executive producer and co-host of YOU HERE NOW a storytelling podcast, she is yogini (RYT-200) and Reiki Master Teacher and practitioner. Amy shares her life experiences and lessons as a guide helping people along the sometimes weedy but always grateful path. She has an MFA in painting from The University of Art & Design, Cluj-Napoca and a BA from Fairleigh Dickinson University in Visual & Performing Arts.

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