Mindful Soul Center Recommends

Premiere Issue: volume one, issue no. one


Understanding Media and the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy - Recommended Books Mindful Soul Center Magazine

I read this in high school so many years ago when it was published. Originally it was a BBC Radio broadcast that delighted so many. The book was a refreshing and nice change from the dark novels that seemed to surround me at that time. Accompany the the bewildered human, Arthur Dent, and delight in his adventures in space with his alien friend, Ford Prefect.

If you can afford it just invest in the six book series for less than $50 on Amazon. Once you read this book, you won't be able to stop! Click here to get it.

This is a timeless classic was published by Signet Books in the early to mid-1960s that explores our relationship with media and the 'mythic' world of data and experience where the medium is the message as it relates to technology. A must read to garner a greater understanding ot how media is the extension of man.


Podcast: Tales

Here's the blurb from the description on Spotify and it sums it all up very nicely. This podcast is enjoyable to listen to and will take you on an adventure of the past.

Traditional fairy tales aren’t exactly suitable for kids. Women vomit spiders. Children get eaten. There’s even murder! Every Wednesday, we take you through the twists and turns of the dark origins of your favorite pieces of folklore. Tales is a Spotify Original from Parcast.




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