Watch or Listen to Whitney's Full Moon Energy Reading
December's Cold Night or Long Night Full Moon is in Gemini - December 18th and 19th - in the season of Sagittarius. It's time to shine a light on solutions!
In this reading we're looking at what we're leaving behind, the new energy that is coming in and what is going to surprise us. Gemini energy is communicative and Sagittarius energy is intuitive. The full moon is the perfect time for ending cycles and reflection and especially welcome as we close out the year and prepare for the new.
This month's full moon is to take place on the 19th of December, 4:35AM UTC time for most of the world. However, that means December 18th in North America. You can find the time converter here to find the peak time of the full moon in your area. In the Northern Hemisphere the full moon near the winter solstice is called the Cold Night or the Long Night full moon since it takes place near the longest night and the cold temperatures have truly arrived during this time.