Deja's Self-Care Corner, Volume One, Issue No. 4: April & May 2020

Beauty!Card #16 Message​MY QUALITY TIME SELF-CARE DECKDolling up every day can be a lot of work. If you’re a busy career woman or a mom…Scroll down to keep reading or if you see a read more button click on it to access another complimentary article when you sign-up or get an all access subscription for only $47 per year when you subscribe.

I am forgiving from Deja Drewit's personal power deck

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Beauty from Deja Drewit's My Quality Self-Care Deck

Card #16 Message


Dolling up every day can be a lot of work. If you’re a busy career woman or a mom you may not have much time to do that. When we do take the time to dress up, do our hair or put on makeup, it can make us feel amazing. Find a few minutes today to make yourself feel beautiful, whatever it may be. Go to a salon and get a mani / pedi or do it yourself at home. Put on some makeup or style your hair. Dress up or wear some heels.
Deja creates cards to inspire and help women overcome their daily obstacles and fears.
I am forgiving from Deja Drewit's personal power deck

I am forgiving!



Forgiveness is a way to set yourself free. It does not mean you have to give anyone another chance or what they did was okay. You’re simply releasing the anger and turmoil it has caused you and moving on from the experience. Sometimes we don’t even realize that we have resentment built up from something that happened many years ago. Forgiveness is a superpower we all possess but sometimes it takes time and effort to uncover. It isn’t an easy thing to do but when we find that power it can provide us with healing and closure. There are different ways to work on forgiveness such as meditation, journaling, tapping, and hypnotherapy just to name a few. Emotional pain and resentment can often create a block in our life that keeps us from moving forward. It can affect us not only mentally but physically as well.

Journal Prompts

Write a list of people or experiences that have hurt you in the past. After each one write “I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you.” For more on this, look up Ho’oponopono, a Hawaiian forgiveness mantra.
How do you feel when you cannot forgive someone?
What would help you forgive someone or something?
About the Author

Deja is an artist, an oracle deck creator and owner of DejaDrewit. Born in Russia and raised in NY, she now lives in California. As a young girl, Deja experienced bullying and as a result developed social anxiety. Drawing was her escape. As she healed she knew that she wanted to inspire and help people through her art but wasn't quite sure how. From 2005 until 2013, she worked as a graphic artist and designer in the fashion industry. She left to raise a new baby and discovered a way to use her art to help others and started to create oracle decks. Check out her Self-Care Corner.

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