Ressurecting the Goddess
Get started now, here’s how —
At this critical time in history, resurrecting the Goddess means both welcoming Her into your life in whatever way feels life-giving to you, and allowing Her to show you how you can contribute your gifts to the collective task of rebalancing our world.
Do you experience Her as Mother Earth?
Get out into nature. Enjoy Her presence in this amazing world — join a group that advocates for climate justice.
Do you encounter Her truth in wise women?
Seek Her by listening to the incredible women around you and women leaders you admire — advocate for the rights that allow women to speak their truth and be heard, especially women who also experience oppression based on race, class, and/or gender identity.
Does She call to your heart as the Creator, Great Mother Goddess, eternal Source?
Bring Her into your spiritual practice.
Hang up some beautiful Divine Feminine art in your home.
Build an altar to Her.
Pray to her for love, help, and comfort.
Talk to others about how you experience God as a loving Mother.
In your references to the Divine, swap out Him for Her or, if you prefer Them.
Notice what happens, including how people react to the change. Do this even if you are not religious. Because, we have all internalized the image of God as a toxic, powerful, white, masculine “lord” or “king,” and to save ourselves and our planet we need to start separating that image from our collective understanding of what is sacred and good.
If you experience the Sacred Feminine in those parts of yourself that Western culture has feminized and subordinated to the “masculine” intellect — your emotions, intuition, body, creativity, sexuality —
resurrect Her by loving and trusting those most intimate parts of yourself. Work with a therapist or spiritual director to help you reclaim the aspects of yourself that you learned were unacceptable to God. In doing so, you’ll discover the power of Her very life within you, the life that no system of domination can ever take away.
And finally, connect with communities that welcome and celebrate the Divine Feminine.
Because if there’s one thing we’ve learned from the mistakes of patriarchy over the past 6,000 years, it’s that no one can truly do anything alone, and no one person should be in charge of everything.
The more time you spend consciously with the Divine Mother, the more aware you will become of your life path: your soul calling to shine your light in your own unique way, which cannot help but contribute to the Great Rebalancing.
After all, at your core, you are nothing less than a spark of Her own divine life. And the Divine Herself is longing to shower on the world the gifts that She can only give through you.
If this feels big, breathe. Again, none of us can do it alone.
Start by choosing one practice that helps you welcome Her into your own life. Then choose a form of justice that is dear to your heart, and offer something of your time, talent, or treasure to an organization working to create a more balanced and sustainable world.
The Goddess and your grandchildren will thank you for helping to bring Her back when She was most needed.
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