Volume Two, Issue No. 4: November & December 2021
In this issue of Mindful Soul Center magazine are focus moves from fire to the element of water, but as you may be aware we don't limit our issues to a theme but it is a guidepost. Water heals, cleans, purifies and nourishes us and it is worth exploring. April Aronoff shares her story of ritual and the cleansing waters of Kuan Yin. Ani Papazyan gives us guidance on how much water a body needs and shares some delicious vegan dessert recipes too. Tahsha Renee speaks of the waves and depths of emotion under the surface of our being. Kathleen Joan helps us to embrace the goddess as a means to protecting Gaia. Self-care is easy when we have help with Deja Osbourne's Self-Care Corner and get career advice with Helen Sanchez's feature column Women & Work. Shelley Smith shares easy monthly recipes with us and Whitney Walker brings us a full moon tarot reading. Cory Collins helps us understand white privilege and Veronica Monet shares a reflective poem. Fine artist Cynthia Louise Longobardi inspires and moves us with her beautiful paintings and her work graces the cover of this magazine. We welcome Bar Davi's painting of Oshun in the All water is holy feature. Regular features from the editor are here too, plus she explores the lotus as the flower, a yoga pose and mudra and goes deep with holy water. It's an evolution.
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Kathleen Joan's piece dives into how we can resurrect the Goddess in our lives. Here is a short video with a variety of them. Do you resonate with any of them?
About this issue:
Who made it happen:
Editor: Amy Adams
Editorial Assistant: Ruxandra Badulescu
Mascot: Princess Kiki [in memory RIP]
Contributors: April Aronoff, Bar Davi, Kathleen Joan, Cynthia Louise Longobardi, Deja Osbourne, Ani Papazyan, Tahsha Renee, Helen Sanchez, Shelley Smith, Whitney Walker
Guest Writers: Cory Collins, Natalia Dashan, Veronica Monet
Cover Artist:
This month's cover art is by Cynthia Louise Longobardi. You can buy a print of the cover art or other products through the Mindful Soul Center's shop.
Contact us for corrections and other matters including partnership opportunities via email: hello@themindfulsoulcenter.com.
Editor's Letter:
Dear Readers -
Welcome to the new digital version of Mindful Soul Center magazine! I would likely place several exclamation marks at the end of the previous sentence under normal circumstances. But as excited as I am, it has been an uneasy transition to the digital edition through the summer. My BFF and beloved mascot, Kiki, an elderly dog, was diagnosed with cancer. She enjoyed her last walks with me in mid-September. RIP Kiki!
Kiki was a remarkable teacher, and her death reminded me of the fragility of a body and how the body can impact our experience of life on Earth. Through the body, we develop beliefs about the world around us, creating a subjective experience. Sometimes things look bleak and, sometimes they look promising. It depends on our mood, our circumstances, where we were born, the culture of the place we live in at the moment, etc. Over a period of time, we can try to change some of these things and, we can. Still, it can feel overwhelming and seem like a big ask.
We are facing a shit-tonne of challenges on this Earth - things that can challenge our strength and will to carry on at times. We must transcend geography and culture to live on purpose, not allowing the challenges to cripple us. We must also find harmony and peace within to reflect it outward. We can balance the spiritual deficits through action and practice in our inner and outer lives; Practices like discernment, meditation, yoga and self-discipline.
As soulful conscious beings, we are called to transcend the mundane, not to achieve some spiritual flight of consciousness where we deny the challenges of daily life on Earth. We are called to remain grounded, yet to remember the magic and mystery of all of life on Earth - allowing us to connect with the planet that houses and nourishes us. We cannot make lasting changes in our own lives, let alone the planet without support and community.
This magazine was created to support you to live more consciously, awake and aware as the creator of your life. So that you can be the decider, to step forward into a life that causes you joy, a life where you are present and aligned with your highest good. When we intentionally focus on cooperation and union, we no longer feed the fierce beast that is formed by fear and lack. We cannot do it alone. We all need support, and it can be challenging to remain fully conscious and awake when we are hypnotised by our devices or struggling to get it all done.
See how inspirational Kiki has been in my life! This magazine would never have happened without her in my life. Of course, this magazine would not have happened either without the generous souls who have contributed to it too! You can read more about them here or find them listed below. I hope you will accompany me on this path and benefit from the materials provided by the contributors that so graciously share their knowledge and stories through this platform.
Now you can read it on your phone or preferred devices. The goal was to make it easy to access and share articles and multimedia with you regularly. New content is released every week instead of in one hefty chunk. Although the print and PDF editions will lag slightly behind, you can still download the PDF and peruse it as a flipbook and purchase it in print. As a subscriber, you will receive an email with new stories each week. So much goodness is coming your way!
As we move forward, we will continue to bring you content from some of our regular contributors. Deja Osbourne continues to share her beautiful and inspirational art and messages through her self-care & personal power cards with us every month. Helen Sanchez examines the challenges we face in the workplace from time to time, delivering career insights, tips and advice. In addition, we welcome new voices to share their knowledge and expertise.
Shelley Smith brings us a healthful recipe every month. Embracing the divine feminine, we get deeper with Kathleen Joan and examine sacred space and ritual with April Aronoff. Whitney Walker guides us through the energies of the full moon with her tarot talk and, Tahsha Renee digs into our sacred rage. Veronica Monet connects the dots a reflective poem. Ani Papazyan shares delicious and healthful (vegan) desserts with us this month and informs us about the importance of water too. Beautiful goddess art is now a regular feature from Bar Davi. Then there are the guest contributions, as well, including a piece on white privilege & you'll learn a meditative practice too. Finally, we share the surreal art of Cynthia Louise Longobardi.
Thank you for taking time from your day to unwind, to read and listen to all we have to offer here today. I invite you to explore what is offered here and feel free to respond with a recorded voice message that you can make when you visit this page: https://speakpipe.com/themindfulsoulcenter or you can click on the recording tab on the website.
With a grateful heart, I wish you peace.
Amy M. Adams
Cover Artist & Features Contributors
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What's inside this issue:
Amy Adams
Veronica Monet
Deja Osbourne
Helen Sanchez
Amy Adams
Leo Babauta
Part One: Editorial Staff, Part Two: Melinda Rackham
Shelley Smith
Cory Collins
Amy Adams
Volume Two, Issue No. 4: November & December 2021flipbook & pdf downloadarticles & featuresprint editionIn this issue of Mindful Soul
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94 pages
SIZE: A4 (21x29,7cm or 8.27 in x 11.69 in)
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