Personal Development, Volume One, Issue No. 6: November & December 2020

I am Fear and I say to you, “Do not be afraid. Don’t chase me away, embrace me and treat me with the respect I…Scroll down to keep reading or if you see a read more button click on it to access another complimentary article when you sign-up or get an all access subscription for only $47 per year when you subscribe.

Becoming Fearless double snake with arts illustration about fear

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  • Becoming Fearless: My name is fear, don’t chase me away!

I am Fear and I say to you, “Do not be afraid. Don’t chase me away, embrace me and treat me with the respect I deserve. I serve a purpose. I will accompany you on your journey. Tap into your gut, into your intuition and wait for the response. Listen. Is this? Am I, your fear telling you to get out of a situation to sustain and protect your life? Or are you confusing me with your ego? Me, I - like your ego - am going to remain with you throughout your life. Me and Ego aren’t your enemies, on the contrary.Yes, I may make you feel uncomfortable. I might even challenge

 you at times, but I won’t harm you. I am your friend. Befriend me and allow me to stay near and I won’t interfere but protect you when necessary. Stop trying to chase me away and meditate on me when you aren’t sure why I’m here beside you.

I want to be seen. I have a message for you!

When you run away from me, I grow bigger because I want to be seen and have a message for you. As you continue to meditate on me you will learn how to recognize me and discern between me and Ego.Some people even claim that fear is the opposite of love. Even though that sounds like a quotable, it is not quite true. When we move away from duality, we move away from judgement and opposition. It is with this understanding that you will come to know that everything is neutral. How you respond to and approach any and every situation, that is what truly matters. I am Fear and I am not chasing after you, I simply want to stay near you. It is my job to be sure that you survive and it is your job to create space for me so you can do your work and thrive. I really have no interest in chasing you. Embrace me and become fearless."

Becoming Fearless double snake with arts illustration about fear

embrace me and become fearless.

About the Author

Amy Adams, editor and publisher of Mindful Soul Center magazine, she is an author, producer and visual artist too. The executive producer and co-host of YOU HERE NOW a storytelling podcast, she is yogini (RYT-200) and Reiki Master Teacher and practitioner. Amy shares her life experiences and lessons as a guide helping people along the sometimes weedy but always grateful path. She has an MFA in painting from The University of Art & Design, Cluj-Napoca and a BA from Fairleigh Dickinson University in Visual & Performing Arts.

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