Deja's Self-Care Corner, Self-Care, Volume One, Issue No. 5: September & October 2020

It’s true! You are a powerful being, especially when you practice self-care! Deja shares her personal power and self-care ideas with messages to help you reduce stress and vibrate higher. meditate Breathe, sit quietly, and clear your mind. There are many ways of meditating if you don’t have time to sit quietly there are ways to meditate when you walk or drive simply by focusing on your breath and clearing your mind. Sit in silence for at least 5 minutes and give your mind a break. Allow your mind to just process any thoughts that come to mind. Keep reading for more detailed messages.

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Deja Osbourne of Dejadrewit's my quality self care card meditate #35

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It's true! You are a powerful being, especially when you practice self-care!

Deja shares her personal power and self-care ideas with messages to help you reduce stress and vibrate higher.


Breathe, sit quietly, and clear your mind. There are many ways of meditating if you don’t have time to sit quietly there are ways to meditate when you walk or drive simply by focusing on your breath and clearing your mind. Sit in silence for at least 5 minutes and give your mind a break. Allow your mind to just process any thoughts that come to mind.

Meditate, Card No. 35 from My Quality Self-Care Deck

I trust in divine timing

Whatever you are so eager to have or do, shall be yours when the right time comes. If you are going through a difficult time, this too shall pass. We often think we don’t have time and allow it to stress us out. Time is unlimited and never actually runs out. Live in the moment. Be present. Find joy in the waiting period. Some things cannot and should not be rushed.

Great things are worth waiting for. I like to think the longer I wait for something, the better it will be. Every stumbling block is here to teach us. We grow wiser with each experience. When you look back on your life in the future you might ask yourself, “Why was I so impatient?” Everything turned out okay. “Why didn’t I just relax and trust that everything would come together?”

I trust in divine timing! from My Personal Power Deck

About the Author

Deja is an artist, an oracle deck creator and owner of DejaDrewit. Born in Russia and raised in NY, she now lives in California. As a young girl, Deja experienced bullying and as a result developed social anxiety. Drawing was her escape. As she healed she knew that she wanted to inspire and help people through her art but wasn't quite sure how. From 2005 until 2013, she worked as a graphic artist and designer in the fashion industry. She left to raise a new baby and discovered a way to use her art to help others and started to create oracle decks. Check out her Self-Care Corner and visit her website <a href="">Deja Drewit<a>.

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