Negative thoughts can become negative thought loops.
Often we try to rid ourselves of negative emotions by denying them or even examining them thoroughly and then thinking that they are forever gone. Then suddenly they pop back up and, we wonder why. Negative thoughts can become negative thought loops. We can try to understand them better and we can witness them but that isn’t always easy. Becoming the witness or viewing them as your higher self can help.
The higher self will inform you when you ask. Yet sometimes, we doubt our inner knowing and the answers we receive. They might even get confused with old belief systems and negative thought-forms. Author Jonathan Zap, speaks about the negative thought-forms that lurk just below the surface of our conscious awareness in his piece on his oracle card – Awakening from Depression.
An excerpt from Awakening from Depression
Subclinical depression is almost the norm in our society. Many people go through their days burdened, their gaze lowered, suffering under a generalized feeling of oppression. Although it is easy to attribute much of this to fractured alienated lives, environmental toxins and poor diet, research indicates that the primary causes are negative thought forms, often occurring just beneath conscious awareness, which frames perception negatively so that one lives in a darkened reality tunnel. For example, “Life sucks, and then you die…I never get my fair share…I can’t do anything right…” etc. The negative thought forms trigger negative emotions that, in turn, trigger physiological changes, and the process feeds on itself as a vicious circle. – ©Jonathan Zap

artwork: Kings, Popes in the mouth of hell. BNF, Français 22912, detail of f. 2v. St Augustine, De civitate dei. 1375-137, Genre: Medieval Art
The chemical changes in our brains get addicted to the chemicals, and we can suffer over our suffering.
What can we do? Take the necessary steps towards self-actualization and living an examined life.
We can examine our inner lives and seek guidance from mental health counsellors or spiritual advisors, trusted elders or sites like the one Jonathan Zap created. We can cast runes, have our tarot cards read, or use NLP techniques. We can read articles like this one. There is a myriad of tools and ways to examine your own life. All of them can provide you with deep insights.
We can also support our inner work with a daily yoga practice that might consist of a series of sun salutations aka Surya Namaskar or breathing techniques aka pranayama. We can meditate regularly or exercise more. You do you. What works for you?
Even when we take the necessary steps towards self-actualization and living an examined life, throughout this process we can end up confused if we seek too much outside of ourselves. Negative thought-forms can surface.
Practice compassion for yourself and your inner being.
When negative thought-forms come into your headspace, take a moment to recognize them and bathe them in light whilst acknowledging them. You will equalize them without denying them. These steps will ultimately allow your negative thought forms to exist in harmony with your positive thought forms – both together.

Le Mort devant son juge Painting from Grandes heures de Rohan, 15th Century. The dead man before God. A demon attempts to steal his soul, but is attacked by St Michael the Archangel.
Make a conscious effort to eliminate negative energy from your life.
Actionable steps you can take:
When the clouds obscure your view take action:
- Go within. Ask for guidance. If you are still struggling ask for help.
- Recognize that you have value whether you succeed or not. You matter. You don't need to achieve or do anything to matter.
- Love yourself. Find a practice that supports your well-being and practice daily, even if it's only for five minutes.
- Remember that everything changes. Things will come and go.
- Practice compassion for yourself and your inner being.
- Make a conscious effort to eliminate negative energy from your life.
- Allow the answer to present itself.
Be like Ric. Ric Elias, an entrepreneur, was in a plane crash and survived. The pilot got it together and in a dire emergency crash-landed on the Hudson River. That day was a turning point for Ric. He decided to eliminate negative energy from his life. He no longer wanted to live with the regret that he came to realize that day. He no longer wanted to waste time on “things that did not matter with people that matter.” You can watch his TedTalk here.