Mindful Soul Center Magazine's Glossary
A-Z list of terms. Mouse over a term for the definition.
- ablutions
- adept
- Agni
- Ajanta caves
- Akash
- altruism
- Anishinaabe
- Anukis
- Apas
- Arhat (adept)
- Asana
- ashtanga
- Aum (OM)
- Aurora
- bitch
- Bodhisattva (Bodhisativa)
- bone
- boys will be boys
- Brahmā
- Brahman
- Buddha -(Enlightened)
- chi
- Circular Economy
- crone
- death positive
- dhristi
- edamame
- Eos
- fairy tale
- fantasy
- fear
- Feng Shui
- fetish
- flow
- Flower of Life
- formal racism
- Gayatri Mantra
- Generation X
- Goddess
- hag
- Hatha Yoga
- Hathor
- hitched to everything else in the universe
- Horus
- idealistic individualism
- informal racism
- Jina
- Jivan-mukta
- koshas
- kundalini
- Kurukulla
- Lama
- literary
- literature
- longitudinal waves
- Manasa
- Matrika
- merkaba
- misogyny
- moksha
- mudra
- mukti
- numinous
- observer effect
- Om
- Oracle
- Ouroboros
- Overview Effect
- Pancha Maha Bhuti
- patriarchy
- Phoenix
- pornography
- Prithvi
- Qigong
- Rama
- Ramayana
- Ramayana
- rape culture
- rehabilitation
- Rights of Nature
- rites of passage
- Sakhmet
- sankalpa
- Saraswati
- Savita (Savitri)
- seer
- self-realisation
- selfishness
- serpent
- sexism
- sexual harassment
- Shaivites
- shame
- Shavasana
- Shiva
- Single Stream Recycling
- Sita
- Siva
- Slut-shaming
- snake
- sneaker wave
- sonic waves
- Sri Yantra
- suicide
- Surya
- Svadhishthana
- Tai Chi
- Taweret
- Tirthakara
- transverse waves
- tree of life
- trimurti
- triumvirate
- Urdhva Hastasana
- Vaishnavas
- Vajrasana
- Varuna
- Vastu Shastra
- Vayu
- Vayus
- Vedas
- victim blaming
- Vinyasa
- Vipassana
- Extended Producer Responsibility
- witch
- wounded male ego
- Yang
- Yin
- Yin Yang
- Yin Yoga
- Yoga
- zero waste
- zig-zag
What is that?
More in-depth guides to various terms and concepts are covered in the What is that? series.