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Mindful Soul Center MagazineDirectory: Volume One
Six Issues
The Sun No. 6
Amy Adams
Jeremy David Engles
Sandya S.
Alfred Tennyson
Deja Osbourne
Amy Adams
Chrissy Boyd Miller
Deja Osbourne
Are you divine? No. 5
Amy Adams
Christine Boyd Miller
Paul Laurence Dunbar
Amy Adams
We are one! No. 4
Editorial Staff
Amy Adams
Editorial Staff
Editorial Staff
Percy Bysshe Shelley
Amy Adams
Christine Boyd Miller
Heart No. 3
Kahlil Gibran
Charity Collier, MA, CADII
Editorial Staff
Brooklyn Storme, PhD
Editorial Staff
Amy Adams
Sleep No. 2
Amy Adams
Brooklyn Storme, PhD
Amy Adams
Amy Adams
Clement Clarke Moore
Charity Collier, MA, CADII
Amy Adams
Editorial Staff
Editorial Staff
Lara Dwyer
Premiere No. 1
Amy Adams
Editorial Staff
Editorial Staff
Charity Collier, MA, CADII
Editorial Staff
William Wordsworth
Editorial Staff
Editorial Staff
Brooklyn Storme, PhD
Christine Boyd Miller
Amy Adams
Deja Osbourne